Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For my frenz...

this poem is for a fren of my... 

this is for you tela.... 

the poem you wanted...


Heart fluttering.

thiz love-hate feeling,

making me crazy over you, 

what this tingling feeling?

what's this sensation?

what's this feeling?

why I feel so burden by it,

why I feel so confused,

this make my mind swirl....

sometimes i wonder,

am I in love or..

am I just attracted?

I could not differ this feeling...

I tried to denied,

for I think its a foolish things,

but day by day,

night by night,

this heart aching for more...


What wrong with me?

Why would this feeling go away?

I keeping my eyes to you...

and wondering as time goes by,

what are you to me?

Lover or crush?

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